Saturday, January 20, 2007

A happy memory...

Sophia's first trip to the beach-- 6 months old in Newport.


S.A.S. said...

So SO beautiful! The Ross's are perpetuating the blonde, blue-eyed beautifulness of Southern California. What fun times to look 'back' on. I can't believe Sophia's grown so much! It feels like just yesterday she looked this little...
love you Lil

Michelle said...

I couldn't agree more.. and who TOOK the picture, anyway? it looks like you're in paradise without another soul in the world there...and yet, someone had to do it, right?

beauty, I love these kinds of "memory shots." more more!!

S.A.S. said...

The Ross's? Ha - I meant the Biessingers. There is some blog link of your friend's (oh yes, Michelle, there you are) that has the last name Ross, and I was looking at Ross... and got confused... ha.

Michelle said...

anytime you wanna call them the rosses, that's fine with me. :) makes me believe we're related. :)

Missy said...

Lillie. You aren't the only one who checks blogs three times a day. Where is your update? I'm dying.