Friday, January 07, 2011

I looked in the mirror and found his eyes OPEN! So I had to photograph it.

(Thank you Rachelle for this darling pod! I still have to get the sleepy shot)

When I've photographed other newborns, I'm DESPERATE for them to be sleepy and peaceful, and somehow I come around with my camera and ruin their patters and they are everything but. But with my own, I find myself so excited when I see his little eyes open and alert and almost saying something to me. Like you know he's smiling inside but his face hasn't figured it out yet.

I know we say babies just sleep and eat and poop. And my girls were the same, but I never get over it. He sleeps ALL day. I try as gently as possible to keep him awake for a little bit after his feedings. I'm a casual baby-wise follower. But at this stage, it's nearly impossible for most of his feedings. There's maybe one or two where he has some alert time for up to an hour or so afterwards. He only cries when he's hungry... which almost never happens since I usually have to wake him up at the four-hour mark to feed him. He wakes up once a night after his 10:30 feeding... at around 4:30 right now, eats and goes right back down 'till I wake him at 8:30 or 9. After suffering through the last few months of pregnancy-sleep, it feels like nothin'.

I remember that babies evolve and go through so MANY phases. But right now--- he is a perfect baby. He is a dreamy, sleepy, luscious, perfect baby.

Now if only I could kick this GNARLY cold and stop stressing about the little bit of congestion in Finn, I'd be really great. I'd be even better if my mom didn't leave this morning. :( Let's hope my tune doesn't change too dramatically without her help! Luckily, my sister Mel comes out tomorrow to see him, and Ross' parents come on Monday... so we'll be on our babymoon for a little while longer.


bailey d. said...

Love that picture! So cute...he's darling. I love it when baby's eyes are open...we would always get sooooo excited when Avery or Carson's eyes were open. Love it.

He really truly is perfect. Love him.

koko bean..... said...

He is so so dang darling!!! Congrats!! said...

Madison just told me,"You have to comment on that picture." Oh he is so precious. I'm so glad you are doing well and enjoying him. How fun. I'm baby hungry!!! Those big babies are great about their sleep but I never had one that good. Enjoy!

Lindsay Griffeth said...

ooohhh, what a precious little man!

And I'm JEALOUS of that boy's sleeping habits. Good job, Finn.

Elizabeth said...

he is so adorable. congrats!

nowshine said...

I´m so happy for you! He´s so darling! I already have two boys (9+3 yo) and I so get a baby fever when I read your posts and look at the pictures. Love it. Love love.

Ty and Marci said...

These pics just made my day. He's so beautiful Lillie, seeing him definitely makes me baby hungry. :) I'm so glad things are going well, and that he's such a good little guy.

I miss seeing you at the gym, and envy all that snuggle time you get with that sweet, squishy baby! Can't wait to see him. :) said...

This is Madison Whitlock and Shendra Stevens. That baby is soooooooooo cute i that little pod!