Sunday, April 04, 2010

In Honor of Easter...

I wanted to share a video that I love about our Savior, Jesus Christ.

We got to watch conference this weekend with my parents and I feel so uplifted, and rejuvenated. I also feel so aware of ALL of the ways I need and want to improve myself as a mother, wife, daughter, friend.... all of it. There's always just so many ways to be better aren't there? We drove the two and a half hours home from San Diego and I felt like I couldn't stop listing all of the attributes of the future, new-and-improved ME. It's just hit me like a ton of bricks lately, that the time is NOW. That Sophia is 4 and that the habits we are forming now will have a place in her memory forever. We put off having official Family Night's and family scripture study for so long thinking that she was just too young (or using that as an excuse I should say)... and now I feel like the time is getting away from me-- -and of course life just gets busier and busier, so if the habits aren't formed now, it's just going to get harder!

I'm resolving here on my blog, (because this is the only place I write-- hence the subjects being possibly too private at times) to be a better mom. To STUDY and not just read my scriptures. To really understand the stories and lessons laced throughout them, enough to teach my children all about them. I resolve to do official Family Nights, and read to them from the Book of Mormon regularly, even though it will sound like gibberish for years. I resolve to utilize every tender teaching moment I see to share my testimony with my girls so that they will have no doubts about what my foundation is built on as they grow and develop their own testimonies -- so that they will KNOW their Savior and try to be like him-- so that they will show kindness, compassion, and love to those around them. I'm going to do more. Starting now.

Hope you had a Happy Easter.

6 comments: said...

That is wonderful! It is true that that now is the perfect time to start things like FHE. Your kids will pick up more than you think, and the important thing is getting them in the habit, because before long they will be reminding you that it is Family Home Evening, then you can't forget or overlook it if you tried. There is really something to be said for starting them young.

Good luck! And yes, conference had that kind of effect on me too. Can't wait to listen to many of those talks again.

Rachelle said...

I loved the ones I did get to listen to and look forward to really getting to listen again to the ones that were a bit "over-powered" by the sugar induced hysteria that my children were under thanks to the Easter Bunny. Next year, he'll be purely hitting up the toy isle! Thank heaven for Tivo and kids that still go to bed early!!!
(And Benadryl...J/J, of course!)

Thanks for your nice comments, by the way. I am also very grateful for all that the Savior has done, and it's nice to hear your friends and loved ones say it too. Happy Easter cutie!

Helena said...

Interesting as I just made the same resolution myself. I feel that time is running out and my children are growing too fast and I'm losing their childhood. I also want to be a better person, not just a better mom, and pass this example on to my children. I'm not religious but I'm a spiritualist and I believe that we could all be a lot bigger and better than we are now.

Michelle said...

couldn't have said it better myself. you rock.

Jeanette said...

You're so right, Lillie, the time is now. We started family scripture study when Savanah was 3.5-4 years old. But the amazing thing was Eli got it, he understood it, like the language wasn't foreign to him at all, he made comparisons at 2 between the title of liberty and Alladin's freedom from the might be surprised at who is really going to understand the most. And at 4 Eli was really interested in "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe" the grown up version, he totally understood it when Ryon read it to him at night. Your children are brilliant, totally sponges, you just have to give them real things to soak up! Good Luck!

Sarie said...

I need to too! Thanks for the inspiration!!!