Monday, February 21, 2011

It's Monday

But there's no school, my mom was here and let me stay in bed 'till 9, (I have no shame, I Loooooove my bed in the morning and would stay there 'till 9 EVERY morning if I could), Kirk brought donuts home, and Ross gets in tonight! Which means I can stop worrying about him getting lost in the snowy Utah mountains on a rogue snowmobile.

It'll be a good Monday.


bailey d. said...

Oh my gosh, Lillie. Finn is darling. Along with your other cute girls. :) Free to babysit anytime!! :) Love them...they're all so sweet...

Also, while it's on my mind..let me know about the New Beginning pictures....we can definitely work something out! :)

francesca said...

Hey Lillie,

I recently started checking your blog and I am addicted! The Biesingers are so lucky to have you in their family! Sheer delight to read about you, your girls, Finn, decorating ... too much fun. Thanks for sharing the love!


Melissa said...

Holy cow! I would have been worried about him too. We got like 2-3 feet of snow in the mountains over the weekend.
And don't worry, I would stay in bed too, oh wait, sometimes I do!

Rachelle said...

Finn is so so so cute! I want to chew on his cheeks he's so cute!
BTW...I'm up for a girl's trip ANYTIME! Just bring the baby so we can go soon!