Monday, September 12, 2011

Mila's back at Teacher Robyn's preschool again this year. She's a good friend from church who has a handful of Mila's best friends attend in her home. It's the most darling group of kids and is so ideal to me. She loves it and wishes she "could go EVERY day!" I'm wishing 1st grade felt so good...

I think I was meant to be a mom of kids under 5. I'm googling homework sticker charts as I blog. I need some help motivating. I need help with a lot of things. HELP!


Coordination Queen said...

We do a fuzzy jar for each of the kids. They earn "fuzzies" (the little craft pom poms) for doing homework without whining, little chores around the house, helping, playing nice... When the jar is full they get to go on a date with mom and dad. When they misbehave they can lose fuzzies too. My kids love it. :)

Josie said...

Homework is tough in fact there are workshops called "Homework without Tears". Perhaps if you google that there might be a sight with some suggestions.
As for first grade welll it is tough. My advice is to take it one day at a time and remember school is only one part of Sophia's day. Meaning she has a strong and loving family to come home to. That counts. I sometimes tell myself that no matter how crazy the rest of the world is remember to stay focused on family and make sure the kids know they are loved. You seem to do the same thing. Stay the course. It matters.

I have been reading your blog for awhile and have only posted a few times. Really enjoy your photos and blog.

Jennifer said...

Hey girl... I tried something new.. the LIST. It seems to be working for us. I blogged about it, so check it out. Good luck. I find that I've tried so many things over the years. Don't be discouraged when something works and then it doesn't. It just means you need to try something new. The kids get tired of the same motivation and they need something else. Find out what she values (my kids value their time, some kids like a sticker, or a new toy or a trip to Yogurt Island... find what will motivate her) It's not bribery, it's a reward :)