Saturday, August 09, 2008

Seriously So Blessed Dot Blogspot Dot Com

Anybody read this blog? It's a spoof on the whole mommy-blog trend... read the sidebar if you check it out. I'm sort of not sure what to think of it. It's hilarious. So I'm reading and laughing, but kind of insulted... like I want to think I'm not in the category being teased but I totally am. I like CPK. I like Anthropologie. I even noticed while reading it that I eliminate the "I" before statements making them grammatically, a command. (i.e. "Love these girls"). No spider-eyes, definitely no mock-mother, no business/dental/law or medical school, no perfume in lunch bags (sick). Lots and lots of "no"s.

But I like Twilight, I like my husband, I like my babes, I even like So You Think You Can Dance. I am a partaker in the tart-yogurt phenom. I probably share too much-- always wish I were more of a private person. So I'm trying to read it and think, I know I have a sense of humor... it's funny, she's clever, it's all pretty spot on (exaggerated, but close enough that it's super funny.) I should just laugh right?

But I've always been a little insecure about some of my blogging tendencies. Wish I didn't care what people thought, but I do. Don't want people thinking I'm so self absorbed I expect you to want every detail of my life and even more pictures. And yet I do want to write that much and post that many photos. So I'd better just have a good enough sense of humor that this witty blog won't give me a complex.

But it's sort of giving me a complex.

Even as I write this I'm thinking, how many things have I done in this post that TAMN has already spoofed?

Here's one light, funny post, in case you're too lazy to hit the link but ARE curious. What do you think?

I Just Keep Crying, and Crying and Crying!
So I've been sobbing my brains out for half an hour, alternately calling JJTW and my mom and just sobbing. But here's the thing everybody, it's not a sad cry, it's a HAPPY cry!! Because I am going to Powell (pronounced Pal, but I'm surprised you din't know that) this weekend!! I am seriously so blessed to be able to go!! SO excited! But, I am sort of sad that my abs aren't quite as toned as I wanted them to be before this trip. I don't get how I'm still not skinnier because I go to Golds and walk around looking at people, AND I run around the neighborhood scantily clad in the early morning and evening, AND I go on absurd crash diets. Last week, for example, I only had diet coke (way bad, I know, but I'm off it now), cabbage, and fat-free, sugar-free ice cream, and lost 2 lbs! What else is it going to take, people!?? Maybe I should get addicted to yoga like Madonna, but keep my values, UNlike Madonna. Pros: I can say I do yoga, and wear yoga pants! Cons: might have to see girls with hairy legs, which makes my heart hurt because they obviously don't understand femininity and their role in the plan, and even just imagining living without that makes me sad for them. No wonder they don't have husbands!! Sad! And when I get sad I meltdown. Which is why I need to focus on my Powell happiness. SUMMER and SUNSHINE and TANS and JJWT!! And my cute new swimsuit! It's a bikini, but a totally modest one, because I know who I am and how important that is! And we'll be on a way fun boat! And tons of cute pictures! And my hot new sunglasses! And fun tunes on my cute new pink ipod! Also, I hate materialism. It makes me cry.
Posted by Seriously, so blessed! at
8:32 AM 77 comments


Maggie said...

I LOVE this blog! A friend pointed it out to me and at first I was like "So? There are like a million blogs like this." And then I realized it was a spoof. Your blog is NOT like this, Lillie. The thing about "So Blessed" is it is spoofing the over-the-top LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!! I'M SO TOTALLY HIP AND MORMON AND THE BEST, EVA! which is not your blog in any way shape or form.

Lacy said...
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Laci said...

Lillie that is a crack up!! K, I about freaked when I saw 77 comments and clicked thinking they were comments to YOU!! Finally figured it out! Way funny, kinda lame, but lots of truth to it too I suppose :)

kris said...

Ok, I think it's totally genius. Did you read the "In the news" stuff in the sidebar? The newspaper said it's written by a Mormon mom who has her own normal blog and who made it in good fun. That makes it funnier to me because she's laughing at herself, too. You are NOTHING like that. Hillarious.

Unknown said...

I actually got that blog emailed to me by a girl who grew up with Ross in Walnut Creek. Her name is Stacy Woods. Too funny and such a small world.
Anyway, I don't know what to think of it either. I didn't really laugh maybe just smiled...

Lacy said...

Hey- yeah- Joe showed me this blog a while ago. We read a few posts together and laughed our heads off but there was something twisted about it that I did not like. It crosses the line from satire to being a bit mean-spirited.

Kodi said...

I just spent way too much time reading this blog. I think it's hilarious! Don't worry, your blog has WAY better pictures then hers. :)

Kym said...

It was funny I agree. But don't worry, I'll still spend more time reading yours & looking at your amazing pictures! :)

Ambyr said...

My sister shared this blog with me too and though I can see the funny, it's gratuitous. I have a hard time believing it's a girl who writes it. This is what I wrote to my sister about it:

"This guy obviously has too much time on his hands to put so much effort into mocking the efforts of stay-at-home moms, etc. who are trying to journal their lives and keep in touch with loved ones. Yes, there are a lot of blogs with ridiculous little cliches written all over them. But most of these people are good people trying to do good things. I have no patience for people who choose to spend their time in negative endeavors like this. He probably spends the rest of his day watching porn..."

And that's what I think since you asked... ;)

Ambyr said...

Oh, and I love your blog and check it daily. Don't change a thing. That's why I hate that blog. It makes women question themselves and feel insecure. You are an amazing person and I want to know about you. Don't get me wrong, that blog is funny, but not everything that's funny is appropriate. xoxo Lil

Jlowryjr said...

Your blog often makes me feel inadequate.

rachael said...

Ambyr, why do you think it couldn't be written by a girl? Hello, the paper said it is written by a stay at home mom!

Christin said...

yeah I read this blog a while ago. My cousin is a friend of hers. She's pretty funny but her blog reeks if sarcasm. I can only take it in small doses.


Jumping Turtle said...

Lillie. The SeriouslySoBlessed blog is amazing. That Ambyr chick needs to relax a little bit. I've been reading that blog for about a month and the author is just plain funny and clever. So what if she makes fun of some of the things the mormon moms do. I wouldn't worry and I wouldn't change your blog.

I have a blog by the way. It's It's not a mommy blog...cause I'm a daddy.


Rebecca Smylie said...

Yeah, I think it's funny. And while I"m not as opposed as ambyr, I admit, it hurt my feelings (and made laugh). Much like what you described. I hate that if I want to write something happy, no matter what it sounds cheesy. We can be cynical and mean and sarcastic all day and people thinks it's great. But try to be happy... But yeah, it's funny.

Sarie said...

I've been reading that blog for awhile. Most people I know think it's funny, I think it's absolutely hilarious. Most people can handle being made fun of, and I think she makes fun of a little bit in all of us. That's what most comedians do anyway, so I think that's just what she is. I think that blog is written for us mommy bloggers to read, I think we're actually her target audience. I usually err on the side of overly sensitive, so I try to have an open mind about things.

And your blog is rocking, Lillie, don't even think that it's dull or self-serving. Far from it!!

I think that blogging does SO much GOOD in our world especially to our mom community that one blog like that shouldn't embarrass us or deter us from sharing our lives.