Thursday, March 13, 2008

Almost 4 months*

*Ok so in about a week-- but I wanted to post her gorgeous eyes in this orange flower and needed an excuse. So how about a "things I more-than-love about my almost-4-month-old" post?

-The fact that yes, she's still sleeping like a dream, from about 7-7+ (I'm sorry again... not bragging... just so grateful) and then after being up for an hour, back down for a 3-4 hour nap. Makes it hard to go anywhere since by the time we're ready to leave, we're nearing Sophia's nap... so sometimes we have to let it go. But I am so grateful for my chunky sleepy baby.

- Her big gummy grin and wide, dark, blue eyes.... I wonder if all of my kids will get Ross' ocean-colored eyes. How wonderful.

-Her lucsious pink lips.
-The smell and warmth of her neck when I squish my face between her shoulder and her cheek. I could hang out there all day.

-Her squishiest cheeks I've EVER kissed, and I love love love to smush my lips in them and stare at her little expression so up close.


Sarie said...

Great photos, she's gorgeous. We do love our girls so much, don't we all?

Audry said...

You are a great photographer. I need to hire you to take pictures of my baby.

Lindsay Griffeth said...

LOVE her. LOVE her. She is so cute and I love the big flower & gorgeous blue eyes.

Missy said...

That bow is so great with her eyes!

Rebecca Smylie said...

Almost four months? Gosh this is happening altogether too fast!

Holly said...

Those pics are fabulous. Why am I not surprised? I read about your 'tutu' photo shoot on Lizzies blog. Congratulations!!

Kyle said...

She is so beautiful. We continue to goo/ga over her in church. She smiled at Dallin last week in sacrament. Seriously, it was a huge gummy smile.