Friday, October 19, 2007

Some of the Loot

Here she is in the baby's new bumpo (a gift from my sprinkle). Apparently it's a hot item-- I just hope Sophia lets the little one use it- she loves to squeeze her little bum and thighs into it-- I'm a little worried one day we won't be able to get them out.

The video is of her opening her gift from the shower (that's how thoughtful people are with your second baby- not wanting the first to feel left out.) She's just started saying "I no know" (I don't know) which I love, so I giggle when she says it in the video. (Sorry, you'll have to hit 'pause' twice on my music playlist, then 'play' twice below.)


Lindsay Griffeth said...

How cute is she! She's getting to be such a big girl....I can't wait to hear how she does with a little one around!

Jlowryjr said...

The bumbos are cool. Where does this stuff come from?

I like the way she sits in the chair, totally chill, and how she was a little less excited about the big sister book.

Holly said...

I can't believe that you get to have another magical little girl. Sophia is like the ultimate cool kid.