Thursday, April 05, 2007

Chattering and DC!

Can't think of much to write about lately. Having another one of those weeks where my mind is occupied by non-blogworthy complaints (just feeling yucky- if that eases your all-consuming curiosity). And seeing as I've resolved to complain less, this leaves me with little left to say. So I'll let Sophia do the talking.

This isn't the BEST illustrator of her adorable vocabulary, but I cannot seem to capture it on camera as she stops all performances when I point the little machine at her. So here is at least a glimpse (a strangely over-exposed one since she's sitting in front of the window) of Sophia practicing her own language. She does have some words--- but when she really gets going, it's mostly just her very own language.

Conference weekend really was great. Lizzie, Shad, and their TWO kids came over for a session on Saturday and both on Sunday as their TV is "broken." Quotation marks accompany broken because their very nice brand new plasma TV is out of commission due to their 2 year old's addiction to it. He rarely even actually watched it, but wanted it on all day and was furious when Lizzie would turn it off, and would wake in the middle of the night and demand to go downstairs and watch Clifford-- so it "broke." And they are sticking to it. Wow-- I really hope some day I am that consistent of a mom. Everyone always says how important consistency is and sometimes... it just doesn't seem worth it to say no, have her throw a tantrum, put her in time out, and hear her scream for a minute that feels like 100...when I can just clean up the fake plant grass myself... yeah, I'm not consistent... especially when people aren't looking. gasp. :0

Oh how did I almost forget?! I bought my ticket so it is official... I'm going to DC to see Sarah!!!!! April 18-23, a Wednesday to a Monday. I can't believe I really did it. As much as I wish I was, I'm not the most adventurous girl in a room, and leaving Sophia and Ross sounds a little/lot (depending on the day) scary. But I figured I had to take advantage of one of my best friends ever living in one of the coolest cities ever... able to show me around and know just what to pack into a couple of days in DC and a couple in NYC! We'll do museums, food, shows, maybe a bike-ride, food, shopping, tourist sights for my sake, food, hopefully see some WONDERFULLY familiar faces from BYU (Rebecca? Christy?), and probably some really great restaurants. :) Is it true they're banning Trans fats from NYC? Anyone? Then I could not gossip and not eat Trans fats and feel incredibly on track all while visiting the wonderfully historic east. I'm oh so excited. Less than TWO weeks away Sarah!!! Holy Moly.


Jlowryjr said...

I think it is spelled "Holy Moley."
Just giving you a hard time. I think it can go either way.

Cute video. I've got a good one coming in a day or so.

Lindsay Griffeth said...

I love the video of Sophia! She definitely has her own adorable!

You will have such a great time with Sarah. It sounds like a perfect girls trip. I'm actually headed to New York on April 23, so I will have just missed you! I'm going out to visit my friend Laurel and then my mom/sister are coming a few days later for a "pre baby girls trip". I'll be there from a Monday to a Monday so I'm really excited, too! Have a great time with Sarah!

D-dawg said...

Sophia's language is very cute. She just keeps talking and assumes you know exactly what she's saying! Babies are fun. The girls trip will be a great break for you. I'm hoping to have one myself this summer.

Michelle said...

suddenly I want to live on the East coast. if i make it there by April 20th, will you come and visit me too? :) dang this idaho.

I hope you have a GREAT trip, and even more, I hope you and understanding sarah will do an updated blog/journal at least a few times for the rest of us to drool over. :)

Missy said...

I can't wait to hear about all your DC adventures. You are going to have so much fun out there! It really is beautiful, especially this time of year. I can't wait to see the pictures too.

I also love the video of Sophia. She is such a little girl!

Hope things are ok though - I miss your blogging.

Becky said...

maybe sophia has that shy trait from you. she sees the camera and freezes. it was cute to see her though. i can't believe you are going to see sarah. i am so jealous. that is going to be such a blast. how nice is ross to hold down the fort while you have a get-away. i will have to definately run this one by zac. have a fun time and say hello for me.

Unknown said...

Oh, you have no idea how happy this all makes me. Please stay with us when you come to the great NY. Tell me your pleasure and I'll come up with the perfect itinerary. (Not like Sarah hasn't already done this, she is the prefect host). I can't remember, didn't you do a summer out here? Alright, much love and hurry.

S.A.S. said...

Hooray!!! Of course this post makes me smile ear to ear. I can't stop. You're COMING! At long last, I'll get you all to myself as we romp around two of the best cities in the nation. So much to see (I swear, I'm working on the itinerary). Rebecca, we'll come see you! So much fun to be had, and so blessedly soon. It almost doesn't feel real.

Everyone move to the East Coast, or at least come visit. The cherry blossoms are out...

S.A.S. said...

Forgot in my enthusiasm to mention how adorably verbose your little one is. The babble was so cute - she obviously knows exactly what she's saying, whether or not anyone else picks up on it:)

Jill M said...

She is so cute, I love that she is telling a story that us adults don't always understand. Lillie, you have such a nice voice. This is Jill (Missy & Sarah's Friend). Have so much fun in DC!!