Sunday, July 18, 2010

A run on the zip line--- when the brakes still needed a little help...

Sometimes I wonder why I'm posting something--- like who on earth I think will care to watch.

And then I remember that we will, later, when it's lost. Because I lose things. And this here blog is one place I can't lose. I've recovered many a recipe from it. If anyone else enjoys Ross riding the zip line and my annoying drum of a laugh in the background-- well then, here you have it. At your lucky little fingertips.

1 comment:

*ehu. said...

I remember this post from a while ago and had to look for it again. Tonight for our ward's FHE, we went to your folk's house for a BBQ. I told a friend that they had a zip line and he was looking forward to it. OH MY GOSH--I think EVERY church activity should include a zip line!!! That was the most entertaining FHE I've ever been to!!! I love your folks!