Sunday, December 16, 2007

"New To Your Neighborhood!"

It's open. It's OPEN! Literally about a minute's drive from my house... a nice 8-10 minute walk with the kids in my future jogger, I'm guessing about a 4 minute jog. Perhaps 5-6 considering the baby weight. I don't know, I'll keep you posted.

Anyway... it's just what I'd hoped... well pretty much. It's so cute inside, so far my produce has been yummy... not a HUGE selection but I think that's how they keep it fresh, shipments every day, not a TON of stock. If ever they're out, it will be there the next morning. Great fresh flowers, great guacamole, great-looking (haven't tried any yet) desserts like this flour less chocolate cake. Great fresh squeezed orange juice, lemonade, limeade, and grapefruit juice in super cute bottles that look a little bit like milk delivered to your porch. You know, back when we all had milk delivered to our porch.

I couldn't be more excited. I went for the first time the other night while Ross put Sophia down. I took my time and wandered down every isle. It really is the perfect thing for me since I HATE going to the normal grocery store (Ralph's, Von's etc...). I love shopping at Costco and Trader Joe's. They each have their purpose in our house. But when I want something very un-bulk and un-specialty/organic, like say Rice Chex or butterscotch chips (both of which I purchased last week at Fresh and Easy for a yummy chex treat- Thanks Lisa) I'm forced into that huge, boring grocery store where I don't know the isles by heart and there are just too many brands of everything to choose from. Well now I've got my little neighborhood market that carries yummy produce (organic if I want to pay) and some fun specialty items... but also the boring stuff. But it's not boring when you get to shop there on your morning walk and it looks like this:
I'm sure that being walking distance to commerce isn't that exciting to most of you. But it really does make a world of difference in my stay-at-home life here. And now with the two kids... I figured all my shopping for a while would be done at night... now the possibilities are endless. Merry Christmas to me! :) Seriously. My enthusiasm sounds exaggerated but that was written with near tears in my eyes.


Lizzie said...

You know I am breaking a commandment at this news. "Thou shalt not covet." I'm happy for you...and extremely jealous. After you get your fancy new camera, fancy new double jogger and big trampoline, I'm not sure we can hang out anymore. At that point I will seriously be coveting.

S.A.S. said...

I know that you really mean this - and love that you're so excited for this market. Your message en route was so fun to listen to because I felt like it was a mile-marker in your life. The Day Fresh & Easy Opened. Congrats on its proximity, on new variety, and on being the kind of person who doesn't let the small things go unnoticed.

Lindsay Griffeth said...

I TOTALLY share your excitement! Although, I'm with Lizzie, definitely coveting your new little store. I tell Wes ALL of the time that I would love to be able to walk to a store like yours, especially now that I have Nate. Anything without a car is wonderful!

Very, very, very jealous! Enjoy!

Holly said...

YAY!! I too am feeling the elation of having fresh milk less than 25 minutes away. But, I think you're evil, because now I have to immediately go buy, and consume mass quantities of that chocolate cake. Thanks for the visual. :)

Michelle said...

love love love walking to the market. love it. it's one of the things I miss most about bainbridge. I wish you MANY MANY MANY a happy visit there. :)

When I finally move to a place where I again get to walk to the market, then I will be home. until then, I too will covet.

Kym said...

So I've been trying to find the time to blog about this very thing! Can I just cut & past this post onto my blog? We went on Fri & Sat nights & wandered isles like you said. You got everything for just one dinner on Saturday night & it was all so fresh & yummy. I was so excited about this store, Chris thought I was losing it. But seriously, I am in LOVE. I'm never going to want to move just because of this store. Well, maybe not NEVER, but I'd really miss it if we did move. Maybe some night I'll bump into you wandering while I am!

Kym said...

I meant to say WE got everything for dinner, not you. You didn't. But you should try it out. It was really fun!

Kyle said...

I absolutely loved walking everywhere when we lived in San Francisco this past summer! It was so refreshing not to have to get in the car. How fun for you!!! I think I'll have to try walking to my new little Walgreens strip mall, it's not that far, but it's definitely not as exciting as Fresh and Easy!

Kodi said...

I don't really need groceries, but I think I HAVE to go tomorrow now! Thanks for the motivation.

Missy said...

I totally hear you on this Lillie. I love stores like this -- they are my favorite too to just walk around and find new "finds" that you can enjoy throughout the week. It sounds like how excited I would be if a Trader Joe's was built just two minutes away from me.

Sarie said...

Lillie, you are so funny. I agree though-I have been searching for a great market here! I have to go to Publix or Walmart and I hate it. In Arizona they had the BEST produce at a Farmer's market store called Sprouts. I have missed it ever since we moved away.


Well Lillie, I read Lizzie's post and she mentioned that they went Christmas light looking with Ross, Lillie, Sophia AND their new baby Mila!!! So IMmediatly I clicked on your blog and caught up on all your posts from the birth to now. First of all- Mila is soooo GORGEOUS. I usually don't think babies are cute until they are bigger/older but Mila is sooo beautiful. I can't believe how much Sophia and she look the same as newborns in the pictures. Sophia is so cute in all the pictures- she is such a cute girl. I can't believe how skinny you are after having a baby, did you eat at all during your pregnancy?!! That's cool you get to get a new camera, stroller and trampoline!!! Kids are going to love going to your house! What is the price difference on the different sizes of trampolines? Because if it's not too much, I would get the biggest, it would scare me when I was little because I would run into the others or "almost" run into them- I was a scaredy cat. BUT- right now you have toddlers so it's like 12 feet is plenty big for that, and by the time their older, they will be used to the space they have. SO- now that I think about it- I guess I would get the 12. Your house is so beautiful, and your tree is beautiful. Congradulations on the new addition to your family, she is so beautiful. And I wish you could see what we see, because you are SO beautiful, your delivery pictures- with no makeup- after surgery, you looked beautiful!

snlbarney said...

How fun! Another friend of mine is going organic also, maybe I should give it a try since you and her are so cute figured:) Sean and I want to come up after the New Year, we'll call... I got your adorable Christmas card - LOVE the pic at the Pumpkin Patch:) Who took that anyway??? HeeHee.

We will get a card out after the New Year. We leave tomorrow for Nor Cal. I will shout out to Ross's old house for him:) Have a great Holiday with the girls!

Brooke said...

I echo your thoughts....I hate the bloody grocery store! I do everything I can to avoid but yes, there are those rather boring items that one must purchase at the endless isled grocery store. I hate having soooo many options which is why I LOVE trader joes and in and out. simple, easy.