Tuesday, November 06, 2007

I Finally Finished It

A few weeks ago, that is. This is one of those books I heard about (through Sarah and Rebecca's blogs actually) and since I only WISH I was as literary as the two of them, I figured I should follow suit and read. Unfortunately, I read it slowly and sporadically over a month or so, interrupted by life, Babywise, and the Twilight series, and then lost interest about half-way through, confirming what I already knew about myself: I might just be the Nicholas Sparks, simple-sentence, linear-plot, sweet-story, happy-ending reader. And I'm pretty sure I'm OK with that. Nick's got a lot of nice things to say.

But the reason this is blog worthy? Well it's in the title.

No I don't feel any smarter. But proud that I finished a book that didn't MAKE me turn the pages instead of putting it out of sight where it can't inflict "are you ever going to finish me?" guilt. And I do feel like I need to branch out more often. This is why I need to join a book club to make me read books I might never pick. Because the thing is, I really did like it. Liked the ending and really glad I finished it. Perhaps I'll remember that the next time I read half a book... slowly....then retire it for some good old Bridget Jones or Jemima J.


Kodi said...

Love that you finished it; it really was good, I agree. How are you feeling? I tried to call today, but it rang and rang. . . we NEED to talk:)

Ambyr said...

Congrats Lillie! I can relate so I wanted to give you props for finishing! You've inspired me. Also, don't you love the Twilight series? I'm obsessed! Seriously.

Ambyr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lacy said...

Wow- you had to delete a post? I'm so curious... Shame on whoever wrote something that needed to be deleted. Exercise some restraint please.

Unknown said...

This is going to be a long comment. Ready yourself. I used to stand in front of my illiterate seventh graders and ask, "What are the three best ways to become a better reader?" And then my darlings would chant in unison "Read! Read! Read!" So I'm proud of you for finishing the book and agree that branching out is good for you and adds a dimension to your life. That said, I willnow share one of my reading maxims with you: if you don't like the book, you should never feel guilty if you stop reading it. Just put it right down and act like it never happened. I did this just recently and was it ever liberating. It's like going to a fancy restaraunt and not liking the meal. It doesn't mean it's a bad meal or that you lack taste, it's just not the meal for you. And I'm not just saying you shove the food around your plate and pretend to be one of those girls who gets full after a couple of bites. Send it back to the kitchen. Tell them you don't like it. You want something else. Because you've invested in that meal, for heaven's sake. And you invested because you wanted to enjoy something. And we will never have a nation of readers (sigh) if readers are turned off to reading by good books that just didn't appeal to them. Make Sophia finish her vegetables, not her books. (Too many metaphors? Did they cross lines?)

Holly said...

Whoever that Rebecca is, I really like her. I was just telling Steve yesterday that I needed to dive deeper into my world of literacy, and stop reading books that "skim the surface". I have wanted to read the Twilight series
because all of my friends, and family are in love with some Edward character thet I have never met, and that is just unacceptable to me. But, I was going to MAKE mysely read Anna Kerinina (spelling?) first, just because it is a huge deep literary classic. Thanks to Rebecca, I feel like I have been given permission to dive right into the Twilight series with no guilt. I still want to read Anna,...just later.

Missy said...

I just finished this book! I liked it, but I can understand what you're saying. It was different, which is why I might have liked it. But, I like that everyone has different thoughts about the same book.

Kimberly said...

Okay, so does EVERYBODY know about the twilight series??? My little sister gave them to me for my birthday, if I could only find the time to read them. I think I'm still on Harry Potter #6 - it hasn't been touched in, well...a while. You've inspired me because I really love reading, I just havn't in a while.

S.A.S. said...

i've sadly added the twilight series to my 'won't read just yet' list, where reside harry potter and da vinci code. not because there are more important things on my reading list, but because i can't bear to make these authors another penny. funny huh? it's the same reason i won't buy gas at exxon. and yes, i know about the other 'culprits'. now this book, i can get into, and another i hope you read (and is written by history of love author's husband) is extremely loud and incredibly close. the storyline's a little simpler, but really touching - makes you think.
i wish i read more in general. currently halfway through The Road by mccarthy... so far, so good (wasteland aside)...

Erin Marriott said...

Lillie, I wanted to comment on your last post but my computer froze up, so I din't get to tell you how gorgeous you are pregnant! Can you get any cuter? I had my appt. today and hopped on the scale, and wow...I still have 12 weeks left!! It was funny, because at my last appt, my Dr. was telling me that I needed to gain a little more weight, and today, he was like, "okay, you can stop now!" I'm going to miss my late night runs for Carne Asada and rolled tacos w/ EXTRA guacamole. LOVE the book conversations, I, too, need to broaden my horizons w/ more literacy in my life.

Scott McMillan said...

Meant to add this as well. It isn't the best jogging stroller. When the baby is lying flat you kick the stroller when jogging. They told me it is not meant for jogging or even classified as a jogging stroller. Maybe it is different with different strides or you could make it work. If you are going to jog a lot I would recommend the double BOB.