And still got home in time to give me the gun show. :) I'm a lucky lady.
It sounds WILD... 10 miles, most of which was extremely uphill or downhill, electrical currents, inclined, greased monkey-bars, lots of water, some claustrophobic spaces and lots more. He got a bunch of footage on his waterproof head-cam. I just might have to post some here eventually for record's sake.
It's too bad he was behind a guy in a thong for most of the race. It's a little distracting. And super gross.
Hmmmm, so does that mean most of his footage from his head-cam is of the guy in a thong? Oh dear...
Who in their right mind would wear a thong in a race like that. I hope you were kidding. Sick.
Good for your hubby! I think thong guy would have made me run faster. Although, maybe not because then thong guy would be staring at my bottom. Yuck.
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