We call it Brown Rice Salad? But there's no greens... so it's more like a burrito bowl? Only the pork is BBQ, which makes it... well I don't know, we just like to call it a salad so we feel better. Fine, put greens if you like.
It's some sort of adaption from some "salad" Lizzie had forever ago at some health food store. It's one of those things where you pretty much pile on anything that sounds good. Like a salad. Maybe that's why we call it a salad. A recipe? I'll try:
1 Pork tenderloin
Brown Rice (we use one pouch of TJ's frozen)
2 cups or so of frozen sweet corn
1 onion, chopped
2 cups ketchup
2 cups brown sugar
2 tbs liquid smoke
1 avocado
2 tomatoes
diced fresh jalapenos
Anyway, here's what I do.
-Cook some of that really lean white pork. Tenderloin I think? I get it from Costco... 5-7 hours or so in the crock pot. Adding in the BBQ sauce for the last hour or so after shredding your meat.
- Make the BBQ sauce which is 2 cups ketchup, 2 cups brown sugar, and 2tbs liquid smoke. Stir it up. (I always wonder if it really needs that much sugar, if you experiment, let me know if it's still yummy with less chance of diabetes.)
- Like I said above, when the meat is tender and shreds super easy with a fork, shred it. Then dump sauce in and cook for another hour or more.
or less--- probably doesn't matter much. :)
- Cook brown rice (or snip off the corner of Trader Joes precooked frozen brown rice and microwave it for 3 minutes like I do, or their new blend of brown, red, and barley. Yum.)
-Saute your minced onions in some olive oil until their translucent, and then add in a bunch of frozen sweet corn and saute? steam? I don't know, I stir, put the lid on, take it off.... whatever, 'till it's warm. Salt and pepper a little.
- Top rice with corn, shredded BBQ pork, tomatoes, chunks of cheese (the chunks are important to Ross, he doesn't think grated is the same), avocado, cilantro, jalapeno.... and really, anything else that sounds yummy to you.
And start a dinner group. We also got to eat salmon tacos and Sesame noodles with broccoli and chicken this week. yuuuum.
Oh wow-- Scotty Mcreerie just won American Idol out of the corner of my eye. He's cute, I'm a fan, and really happy for him. But I sort of stopped caring who won after Casey went home. I'm just glad he was there tonight---- best part of the show by far.
I think the Cilantro can count as the "greens" :)
When we came to visit you YEARS ago [sheesh, time flies] - you made this delicious dish for us.
And we've been making it since.
It's delicious!
Starting a dinner group with some friends and I think this will be my first meal.
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