(Hope you don't mind, Mel. Maybe I should have asked first.)
Last time I was down at my sister's, I snapped a few photos of her home. I wish I'd gotten some of her bedroom too... everything she does, and chooses, and arranges is just SOOOO lovely to me. I come home from her house a little depressed every time because I want all of it! ... but also inspired. Just thought I'd share.
I understand completely because now I feel depressed, too. :)
Also, depressed. :)
LOVE her house. [and yours].
i want her rug!
I don't get it - are Biesinger women just BORN with the knack to make things gorgeous? Jealous. I mean, happy for her, but jealous.
Now I completely understand your thinking that "everything Mel" is wonderful, because now I feel obsessed with her house and wish that could translate into mine feeling so peaceful like hers and yours!
I love and miss you!
Your sissy's house is so lovely :-)
LOVE that rug and how clean it is!
Her home is adorable-I LOVE it!
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