And it needs to be changed to this:
href=">640px; height: 426px;" src="" border="0" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5317680081716540274" />
That last little portion after the "s" is the image quality I guess. I haven't tried to do it to an exact width that's not a simple double of the original yet. I was doing that in flickr and that's when my photos would turn out a little pixelated. I'm SOOOO excited about this though. My process was getting WAY too long with resizing in Photoshop, uploading to flickr, and then copying the html in blogger. Hopefully this makes somebody else as happy as it made me. Seriously, thankyou Ainsley.
Thanks Lillie. You just made things so much easier. I'm so glad there are smart people out there who figure things out for me and are nice enough to share.
Nerd alert.
Thanks Lillie! This saves oodles of time. Great job on your pictures! You colors are awesome!
WHO IS AINSLEY AND HOW IS SHE SO SMART? That just changed my life. By the way, thanks for sharing it. And your brother in law, once again, cracks me up with the nerd alert. Well played, Lowdogg.
Thank you thank you.
wow i feel so famous. i'm so glad it worked for you!
That is so cool!
I am so excited I can hardly stand it! Thank you Ainsley and thank you Lillie for sharing with everyone!
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