Eating: not everything imaginable like her sister was- she's more picky- or maybe I've been more lazy and less proactive. She likes delicious food. Like MY food, yummy sandwiches with bacon and avocado and the works. She likes cheesy, salty, tasty foods. She's not as happy with chopped up veggies and cold cheese and toast like Sophia was. I officially stopped nursing her this past month and she's actually doing the Whole Milk thing. Sophia never did, so it's kind of weird to me, but wonderful. It's so easy to heat up a cup of milk instead of search for food sometimes. If only I weren't so terrified of all the hormones... organic milk gets expensive!
Walking: FINALLY--- I think I forgot to officially blog it, but it finally happened two or three weeks ago. And THANK goodness. I don't care if they get in to more, life is SO much better with her on her two feet. She's happier, the girls play better (although Sophia also picks on her more now) and she's not covered in filth and staining the knees of her pants all the time. Phew!
Talking: She's totally talking! And it's amazing to me. Sophia's been a little delayed in her speech so I don't think she was saying anything at this age. I've always wondered when people said their babies were talking... weather or not they were actually saying words with any meaning behind them... or just putting sounds together. Now I get it. With definite meaning, Mila's saying: "mom", "dad", "shoe" (she wants them on anytime she sees them, of course, like they always do), "dog" (her FAVORITE animal and stuffed friend she sleeps with) "Ont down" (I want down), "Es Do" (Let's go), "Aw gone" .... and that's all I can think of. I'm sure there's more. She's brilliant. ;)
What else... She folds her arms and babbles like she's saying a prayer. She scrunches her nose up in that fabulously hammy smile. She loves to be anywhere near her sister, playing outside, and dances any time there's music on. She LOVES when her daddy gets home. And the "running" and climbing on his knee is a whole lot better now that she's walking.
15 months is a gooooood age. I'm just soakin' it up before the twos....
p.s. feeling lots better. I've got some good friends. thx.
Hey Lillie. Hope you are feeling better and your pain goes away. Sounds like you need more than a massage from the chiropractor - maybe he needs to do some adjustments and give you some muscle relaxers. My prayers go out to you. Love the pic of Mia - you can see your reflection in her eyes - zoom in to see. The joys of a toddler - enjoy them before the tyrannical threes get here ;)
She's definitely a beauty.
She's definitely a beauty.
She's beautiful! What a fun little update. And yes, walking is FABULOUS. SOOO much better. I've been hearing a lot about the dreaded two's so I'm trying to enjoy Nate right now, too.
what a pretty little lady that mila is. I'm not even going to be jealous about all her words (I'm sure you read, annie has NONE) because just like the walking thing, I realize that it just happens at different times for everyone.
still, that mila seems like she just fills up a room with happiness. :)
She's gorgeous! I miss you... a lot!
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