You know how it is when they're little... you just want to make sure each and every possible expression gets captured. Sometimes the sour ones are the cutest.
and it doesn't hurt that the toys are colorful and the walls are green-- that kind of makes me want to grab the camera too- but mostly it's these darling girls and their sweet friendship. :)
Sophia really does make me so proud as a big sister. This is on a night where she skipped her nap and by this evening, was so beyond ill-behaved and so much closer to possessed it scared me. The fits and lack of all rationale were out of this world. So right now I'll force myself to think of how she is with Mila. It's pretty remarkable. She is always in the mood to make her sister smile. Pretty much ALWAYS responds when I ask her to make her laugh by dancing or singing or tickling or making silly faces... She bring her toys, checks on her and entertains her until I can get her out of bed, and stretches as far as she can out of her carseast to try to offer her a snack. Almost-three-year-olds can really try you-- but big sisters rock.
I seriously LOVE the style of your home! Can you come and re-decorate mine, please?
Sisters in general, rock. I'm glad Sophia is such a good one to cute little Mila!
Lillie, you are amazing. I have no idea how you decorated that house so fast. I'm still in the "planning stages" and can't make up my mind. Your house looks fantastic.
Everything looks gorgeous including your girls! Wow Lillie, you are one talented stud-ette.
I am totally jealous. You are very talented in your decorating. I love your color scheme. :) Your girls are darling. Mila seems so big and I'm so glad that Sophia is a good big sister.
it's so fun to see all the different little decorating things you do!
and your girls are adorable! sophia's sisterly-kindness, and mila's innocent expressions...i'd agree 100% that they're irresistable when it comes to taking pictures!
More! I need even more pictures...this is exactly what I was asking for when we were in Utah. Except now I need you to come out to my house and help me do it all:) It's gorgeous.
"Three year olds can really try you, but big sisters rock." I will always have this in the back of my head. So perfect.
Your house is looking great! You're definitely my sheikh friend!
Please tell me what kind of lens you are using. I'm drooling. Your pictures truly capture your beautiful home and even more beautiful girls. I want to chew on those thighs! Argh!
I want a house like yours when I grow up.
You are such a grown up. That's in a good way. My living room seems like a fort some 11-year-old made. We just found a new huge ikea couch so maybe that will boost me up to teenagerish decorating style. I'll have to get little pictures of my friends and tape them all around the fireplace or something. So impressed, virtual friend :) Happy that you got the file downloaded too. One of these days I'll post some more. Maybe not until my baby's 2 year's old.....hopefully before then though!
Emily-- it's the 30mm f/1.4. I love it. After reading these comments, I'm realizing I've deceived quite a few people with it. If anyone popped by for a visit, pretty sure you'd be at least a LITTLE disappointed. But so many nice comments. thanks!
Nope, I'm pretty sure we'd be MORE impressed, and a little MORE jealous. I can't believe your grown-up, spacious, beautifully decorated home. As I look down the path of boxes and unbuilt IKEA bookshelves, I wonder how I get from this... to that. Really, will you come one day and help? Maybe when we get a 2-bedroom?
So I am most definately not getting any of your emails...Technology, sheesh. Can I assume that I found the right pics and you want me to send em?
Lillie, don't let "So Seriously..." get you down. It's written by a lady who left the church 20 years ago. She has enough contact with that past-life that she happened upon some LDS blogs and has skimmed off the least favorable elements, blown them up, and made light of it.
I'm sure she actually mines blogs like yours looking for things to spoof. I don't think she is up to anything malignant, but I do think there is residual curiosity/regret in her decision to leave the Church.
I think we should start a movement of sending her faith promoting posts, the kinds that are found in your blog and in all kinds of blogs like it across the church.
I have no doubt that as she links from blog to blog, looking for nuggets to spoof, she reads a lot of great writing from a lot of very fun, faithful, and facsinating families. Just like your own.
Paste this comment to your friends, and let "So Seriously..." know just how blessed we really are.
And, please don't stop blogging. We love it.
Does Mila have red in her hair? She is adorable. I can't believe Ross, Sean and Ryan all have little girls with red hair! Hope we can plan a trip to visit you all soon. Your house looks beautiful.
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