Excuse the lousy blur job. It was an after-thought.

Fruit kabobs, strawberry marshmallows, and far too much candy... they were supposed to fill the little baggies within the take-home bag, but obviously everyone was shy.... or smart.... because I'm left with tons....

Strawberry cupcakes with pink cream cheese frosting and
chocolate cupcakes (Sheena's recipe with vanilla in place of almond) with cream cheese frosting WITH almond extract instead of vanilla (I don't know... just what I felt like doing) ... AND mini chocolate chips on top. They were supposed to look like watermelon seeds. The wrappers were SO cute when I got them in the mail from
cupcake social... bummer that they get all greasy and dark after being used and aren't nearly as green. Oh well. Yum.

Made the birthday hats with Martha's tutorial
here. Only skipped anything that seemed too hard (like lining them) and used something cheaper and easier for the poof at the top (a black boa that I cut up). Brooke made this DARLING happy birthday sign. I made the cheapy paper one above. :)

Kai and Beau--- Sophia's cousins, came out from Orange County.... I'm glad they did just so I could get this shot of Kai's beautiful face. Seriously Brooke-- -look at that expression.

Nana and Papa came! All the way from San Diego... they trekked out with a couple of canopies for shade, and some serious helping hands. We sure love these two.

Oh yeah.... this is what they did when they weren't eating the endless supply of sugar. We'd been wanting to get one all summer and finally bit the bullet. Now we're glad we waited since it's usually 540 or so and it's on clearance right now for $270 at Target!
We got so lucky that the humidity disappeared about a day before the party and the temperatures dropped a few degrees... only a bit over 100 probably. This is the result. It's crazy. Some shade, water, and wind.... and the kids think they're FREEZING.

We didn't ONLY eat sugar... the less photogenic food consisted of sliders-- on those Hawaian sweet rolls which I decided are my favorite slider bun (there's something about a small burger.... they have my HEART), veggies, chips and artichoke dip...


She said it was "the BEST birthday EVER." so I'm taking that as a success.

She started Kindergarten today. This little girl of mine. I think that post will have to wait for another day.